Give a Gift

Support The Mission
Any financial gift, whether great or small touches the lives of family, adults, and children in meaningful and powerful ways. By making a donation to Tonto Rim Christian Camp, you are directly partnering with us and our mission to help people see, know, and experience God. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization, your gifts are fully tax deductible. Use the form below to donate or contact us for more information. Tonto Rim Christian Camp couldn’t exist without the generous support of our donors, and we hope you will consider helping to ensure we will be here to serve for years to come.

A Way To
"One Another"
Join us in Helping Others See, Know, and Experience God!

Current Needs
Thank you for your partnership with us in the ministry at Tonto Rim! You can make a tax-deductible gift here and join us in impacting lives for generations to come!
Tonto Rim is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax-deductible including, cash, stock, equipment, materials, and even vehicles! Thank you so much for your support!

Thank You.
We never cease to be humbled and amazed at how our needs are met in such remarkable ways by individuals like you. By supporting our ministry you have the opportunity to send a student to camp who may not be able to come otherwise, provide a more comfortable stay by funding a new cabin or help the maintenance team by donating a vehicle.
Other donations including, stock, equipment, materials, and even vehicles are also appreciated more than we can say. Can't currently give? Then we invite you to visit and experience the power of God to transform and reignite your passion. Thank you so much for your support!